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From Idea to Taste: Restaurant "Kyiv" in Vilnius

Vilnius has always been known for its diversity and openness to various cultural influences. The large Ukrainian community, which has deep roots in the history of Lithuania and Ukraine, has become an important factor in the local business environment.

New Sources of Taste

Today, we are going to take a closer look at a Ukrainian gastronomic establishment in Vilnius known

as "Kyiv". We will delve into its history, explore the various flavours that can be tasted in this restaurant, and take a closer look at how this restaurant creates an atmosphere and represents Ukrainian culture in another country.

The first steps of the restaurant

The history began more than a year ago under unexpected circumstances. Initially, the owners had

no plans to open a restaurant. However, the situation changed when the investor and the owners of the premises (VAGA store) started discussing the issue of Ukrainian migration to Vilnius and the lack of authentic Ukrainian cuisine from real Ukrainian chefs.

"The owners of the VAGA store still support us and remain our good partners. During a conversation with them, our investor was told that it would be great to have access to authentic Ukrainian cuisine in Vilnius, which would be reminiscent of a Ukrainian home. So we took up the idea and started creating our restaurant." - says Victoria Baibarza, the restaurant's director.

Creating Ukrainian cosiness

In the field of gastronomy, each establishment strives to be distinguished by its unique style and

sophisticated approach. Usually, creating an interior concept, developing a menu and other aspects requires a lot of attention and time. Modern owners are increasingly opting for simplicity and clarity in design to create a lasting and memorable experience for customers. For example, Victoria Baibarza, Director of "Kyiv", shares the importance of this approach, which helps to create an atmosphere that is easy to remember and understand for visitors. This helps to create a comfortable environment that attracts customers and leaves a positive impression.

"As there is a lack of light in Vilnius, we decided to create a place that could add warmth and comfort to the often cloudy weather. We wanted the name to be simple and straightforward, without any frills, while our interior had to be elegant but not exaggerated. Our space is friendly, bright and cosy, with an affordable price range on the menu. We used plaster to convey the authentic look of Ukrainian clay mazanka and Trypillian paintings on the walls. Our chandeliers have a symbolic meaning: many guests ask what kind of bird is on the chandelier? We answer that it's a 'Turtledove' or 'Wild Dove', which for us is a symbol of peace and has become an important part of our restaurant." - says Victoria about the interior design.

A common ground for different cultures

Initially, when the Ukrainian cuisine place first opened, its founders hoped that it would become

popular among Ukrainians who wanted to taste their homeland, especially in Vilnius. However, over time, the place has evolved into an environment where different cultures meet, creating a true international atmosphere, as Victoria says.

"Looking at the attendance, we see that about 40% of our guests are Ukrainians looking for the culinary joys of their land. However, the same number - 40% - is made up of local Lithuanians who taste authentic Ukrainian cuisine and often come back for new experiences. The remaining 20% are foreigners from different countries who also share their taste impressions of the dishes." - Victoria Baibarza

United not only by work but also by shared experiences

The uniqueness of the establishment is manifested not only in its culinary features, but

also in the composition of its staff. It is noted that since its opening, all members of the team have been Ukrainians, which was done in order to truly implement Ukrainian culture here, as well as to solve the social problem of employment for Ukrainian migrants in Vilnius.

"We dreamed that our restaurant would become not only a place where guests could enjoy authentic Ukrainian cuisine, but also a space where we could support our compatriots in their adaptation and personal development in Vilnius," says Viktoriia.

Returning to Viktoriia's words, the question of the language of communication within the

team and with non-Ukrainian visitors arises. Viktoriia told us that the majority of the team are Ukrainians, and only a few people speak Lithuanian, and not very confidently. However, by communicating with the locals, they broaden their horizons in terms of language and culture. Thus, even with language barriers, Lithuanians demonstrate their patriotism and openness to cultural differences. In turn, employees make efforts to learn Lithuanian every day to improve the quality of communication.


At first glance, it may seem that there are very few Ukrainian businesses around in

Lithuania, but like in most places of food service, restaurateurs face obstacles and competition. Everyone perceives it differently: some are ready to go after their competitors by putting pressure on them, while others believe that it is an incentive to be strong and develop further. We spoke to the director of the restaurant and asked her how she felt about competition, given that there is another Ukrainian restaurant, "Leleko", almost on the same street as "Kyiv". She answered:

"We see our establishment as a place where we can not only present dishes, but also share our culture and traditions," says Viktoriia. "That's why we don't see other restaurateurs as competitors, because we are confident in the uniqueness of our offer."

Focus on quality and freshness

Today's Taste Corner tells us about her vision of a gastronomic dish, where she considers

the quality of products to be the most important component of a successful restaurant. According to Viktoriia, the key aspect is the careful selection of suppliers and close control over the quality of ingredients at every stage of cooking.

"Our menu has been carefully created with great attention to detail. It seems that we had it ready even before the establishment itself. We selected the ingredients with great care, looking for those that best express the taste of Ukrainian cuisine. Our head chef from Kyiv personally visited Vilnius, and together we checked every ingredient to ensure its authenticity. Some products, such as herring, are even processed by hand, which adds a unique charm to our dishes," Victoria shares with us the secrets of delicious cuisine.

Innovative Approach to Marketing

In a world where marketing is becoming a key tool for brand promotion, Kyiv Restaurant

chooses an unconventional way. Instead of a large team and intensive advertising, they resort to word of mouth, an effective but somewhat underrated method.

"We believe in the power of sincerity and genuineness," explains Victoria, "Our team strives to create the most sincere atmosphere for each guest.

Despite the tendency to work with influencers, Kyiv restaurant now chooses a different approach. "We prefer guests to status," says Victoria. "Each of our guests is of equal importance, and we make sure that everyone feels special. We are grateful for their work (influencers), but our goal is not only to promote, but to meet the needs of our guests," says Victoria.

Future business horizons

The director of the gastronomic place announced plans to open a new restaurant with a changed concept to better meet the needs of her customers.

"We are always looking ahead and looking for new opportunities. Our goal is to create a space where everyone can enjoy authentic flavours and feel at home," said Victoria.

The new outlet will be located next to the main restaurant and will specialise in a variety

of breakfasts, desserts and hot drinks.

"We have noticed that some categories of guests - young people - prefer a relaxed atmosphere and lighter dishes. That's why we decided to open this new restaurant to meet their needs and attract new customers. We are pushing the boundaries of what we can do, but staying true to our roots and values. It's not just an expansion, it's a new stage in our journey, where everyone has the opportunity to find something for themselves."

We look forward to the future achievements of Kyiv restaurant and follow their new


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