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"Ilaria in Lithuania: a new children's book about the adventures of a Ukrainian girl

Against the backdrop of a brutal war in Ukraine, new works are appearing that
that give faith and hope. Among them is a series of children's books entitled Ilaria in Lithuania by Ukrainian writer Iryna Holub.
Five-year-old Ilaria from Kyiv, fleeing the horrors of war, moves to Lithuania with her
mother moves to Lithuania with her mother. Here she finds not only shelter, but also new friends and classmates, discovers the beauty of Lithuanian cities and towns, nature and people, and learns the Lithuanian language. These experiences inspire Ilariya's mother to become a writer.
"Ilaria in Lithuania is the third book in the series, created to help children understand
this topic for children. The author, who is a mother herself, feels all the experiences and emotions associated with this situation. The book is published in both Ukrainian and Lithuanian, which makes it interesting for both Ukrainian and Lithuanian children.
"This book is a declaration of love to the amazing country of Lithuania and the incredible Lithuanians," writes the website of the book, "Ilaria in Lithuania."
The main character, Ilariya, is a little girl from Kyiv who, like many other
Ukrainian children, was forced to leave her home because of the war. While her father defends Ukraine at the front, the girl, her mother and grandparents temporarily move to Lithuania. Gradually, Ilariya discovers this amazing country, learns its culture and makes new friends.
"We were in despair, we were in disbelief, like most Ukrainians, we faced the unknown of what awaited us in a new country, but despite this, Ilaria, like a child, had certain impressions of Lithuania, friends, etc. And it was all so fresh that I decided to write it all down in my book," says Iryna Holub.
What does it mean for Ilaria to be inspired by her mother?
Despite her young age, 5-year-old Ilaria has already taken on the role of
of an educator. She brings Ukrainian books to school and distributes them to her peers, telling them about the content and engaging them in the world of reading
"She would take these books to school and distribute them to the children, telling them what the book is about, so that they understand what they will be reading," says Ilariya's mother.
Ilariya understands that staying in Lithuania is not just a temporary
a temporary refuge. It's a time to connect with Lithuanians, make friends and build close relationships.
"She has matured, as if she understands that this is not just our temporary stay in Lithuania, it is a time to become closer to Lithuanians and build close relationships with them," says Iryna.
Ilariya and her Hero Dad
Ilariya, who became the main character in her mother's book about the adventures of
of a Ukrainian girl in Lithuania, has won the hearts of not only Lithuanians and Ukrainians, but also all readers with her exciting adventures. Ilaria's real hero is her father, Dmytro Savchenko, who has been faithfully defending Ukraine at the front for four years now, as part of the 1st separate battalion "Da Vinci Wolves".
"Dmitriy has a special love for Lithuania, he has friends here, and it was he who was the one who made us realise that we needed to go to Lithuania. He is very happy that Ilariya has learnt Lithuanian and actively supports me in my work," says Iryna.
A book about a legendary commander
At the front, Dmytro himself wrote a book about the legendary
commander Dmytro Kotsiubailo and his glorious comrades-in-arms.
"I am amazed that he found the energy and time to write this book. But I know that he dreamed about it. He planned to tell about the battalion and about Dmytro Kotsiubaylo. Joining this battalion was not a mere accident for him; he has always been a nationalist, and he is very good at explaining the ideas and goals of their group. Dmytro has a great passion for this. I believe that this desire gave him the strength to write this book." - says Iryna about Dmytro.
Where can I hold or read the book Hilaria in Lithuania?
"The book 'Ilaria in Lithuania' can be purchased on its official website, where you can
find a description of the book and a selection of the main character's various adventures. In addition, the book can be found in Lithuanian children's libraries for free reading. In the future, it will also be available in bookshops.
The books by Ilaria in Lithuania are not only exciting adventures of the girl,
but also an opportunity for children and adults to get to know Lithuania, its culture and traditions. This is a good story about friendship, unity and the power of the human spirit, which inspires us to believe in a better future.

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