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Gratitude to Lithuania: Ukrainians studying in Ukrainian

Ukrainians in Lithuania expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to study in their native language.

The event, which took place at the International Ukrainian School in Vilnius on 23 March,

was striking in its symbolism and significance. The participants of the event, including students, their parents and teachers, expressed their gratitude to the Lithuanian state for its support in difficult times and the opportunity to receive education in the Ukrainian language.

Olena Vnukovska, Director of the International Ukrainian School, emphasised

the importance of preserving Ukrainian identity in the context of integration into Lithuanian society. She noted that the school actively develops bilingual education, providing students with a deep study of both Ukrainian and Lithuanian.

"We are not a national minority, we are citizens of Ukraine who have been granted temporary protection status by Lithuania. At the same time, while preserving their national identity, Ukrainian schoolchildren in Lithuania grow up to be true Europeans, successfully integrating into Lithuanian society. MUS is a bilingual school, and our pupils study Lithuanian in depth from the first grade," said Olena Vnukovska, MUS principal, during the event.

Representatives of the Ukrainian community in Vilnius and the Ukrainian House in Vilnius

also joined this symbolic event. The head of the Ukrainian community in Vilnius, Natalia Šertvytienė, stressed the importance of Ukrainian education in Lithuania and its prospects.

The participants unfurled a large Lithuanian national flag on the school's facade and

and sang the national anthem. At the end of the event, they sang the song "Oh, there is a red viburnum in the meadow", which has become a symbol of strength and defiance of Ukrainians during the war.

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