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Lithuania and Ukraine join forces: investing in school safety and child protection

The Lithuanian government is investing in the safety of Ukrainian schools: 400 thousand euros for metal detectors and expansion of the Educational Security Service
Photo by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Thanks to a generous contribution from the Republic of Lithuania, Ukrainian schools will

The School Security Service is an initiative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine that

involves specially trained police officers to create a safe environment in educational institutions. The project is aimed at preventing crises and preventing offences in the school environment.

The Education Security Service (ESS), an initiative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,

is expanding its its activities to cover 2,000 schools by the end of 2024. Specially trained officers with psychology and child communication skills will provide a safe environment for students, teachers and staff.

This project is extremely important in times of war, when weapons and explosives from

the from the war zone can pose a serious threat. Thanks to the joint efforts of Ukraine and Lithuania, it is possible to protect children and create a favourable learning environment for them.

In addition to investing in metal detectors, the Ministry of Education and Science of

Ukraine has allocated UAH 2.5 billion to equip bomb shelters in schools. 8 regions will receive funds from the state budget for the construction and repair of school shelters in 2024.

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